COVID Guidance for Technology & Engineering Education
By: William Leslie
Points below were extracted from two documents so you don’t have to read 168 pages of State Department of Health & State Education Department Master Guidance (Link Here:
Reference to those documents are listed below. Page numbers are listed before most points. If using a point with administration, committee, teacher, union. Read, quote and reference from the original document so you have the correct context. Hope this helps all of us.
Interim Guidance for In-Person Instruction at Pre-K to Grade 12 Schools during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
New York State Health Department Master Guidance
Prioritize courses with in person lab settings.
Prepare for intermittent school closings
Face covering training
Not sharing workstations, desks, tables other surfaces without cleaning and disinfection between uses
If cohort-grouping model is used cleaning can be preformed between groups instead of between individual students
Faculty & Staff Meetings – Video conferencing or locations that provide spacing between individuals may be maintained
Increase Ventilation
Put in place plans or measures to limit sharing of...