Executive Board
Executive Committee of the Executive Board – Voting Members of the Executive Board
Nathan Smith, President (Contact)
Caitlin Bowen, Immediate Past President (Contact)
Matt VanKoughnett, President Elect (Contact)
Travis Owens, Vice President (Contact)
Kevin Dorsey, Secretary (Contact)
Cameron Ott, Treasurer (Contact)
District Vice Presidents – Voting Members of the Executive Board

Michael Gembar
Far Western District VP (Contact)

Stephen Powers
Western District VP (Contact)

Keith Smith
Central District VP (Contact)
Leadership Committee of the Executive Board
Executive Secretary: Open Position
Membership Secretary: Open Position
Matt Starke, Website Management (Contact)
Tracy Young, Marketing Coordinator (Contact)
Joe Fili, Awards (Contact)
William Leslie, CTLE Credits (Contact)
Karin Dykeman, Historian (Contact)
Scholarship Coordinator: Open Position
Event Planner: Open Position
Professional Development Coordinator: Open Position
Advisory Council
Charles Goodwin, DTE, Advisory Council /Past President/ITEEA Liasion/STEM Chair (Contact)
Clark Greene, Past President, Advisory Council (Contact)
Euisuk Sung, Advisory Council(Contact)
Liz Gallo, Past President, Advisory Council (Contact)
Representatives and Liaisons
NYS Master Teacher Program Liaison: Open Position
NYSUT Liaison: Joe Corleto
NYSCEA Representative: Lindsey Kregel (Contact)
NYSACTE Representative: Travis Owens (Contact)
NYS STEM Collaborative Liaison: Melissa Hirt (Contact)
NYS Education Department Liaison: Brittany Kitterman (Contact)
NYS Education Department Liaison: Kelsey Roman (Contact)
¾«¶«Ó°ÒµPast Presidents
1963-64 Arnold Naroff
1964-65 Paul Chapin
1965-66 Wilber Henry
1966-67 Donald Henry
1967-68 Ward Donahue
1968-69 Ronald Lower
1969-70 Edward Butterworth
1970-71 Philip Kantrowitz
1971-72 Thomas D. LaClair, DTE
1972-73 Thomas D. LaClair, DTE
1973-74 Anthony Versage
1974-75 Frank E. Sharkey, Jr.
1975-76 Douglas H. Beard
1976-77 Rudolf Bauer
1977-78 Kolan K. Bisbee
1978-79 Robert J. Rein
1979-80 Herman Daskin
1980-81 Joseph J. Barnes
1981-82 Donald Kline
1982-83 Robert B. Laux, Jr.
1983-84 Vernon A. Tryon
1984-85 Michael Hacker, DTE
1985-86 Robert Caswell
1986-87 William J. Ericson
1987-88 F. Gordon Turner
1988-89 Rodney Gould
1989-90 Thomas A. Venezio
1990-91 Frank D. Darzano
1991-92 James Mooney
1992-93 Charles H. Goodwin, DTE
1993-94 William Youngfert
1994-95 James Lemmerman
1995-96 Rick Luce
1996-97 Alan Horowitz
1997-98 Barry E. Borakove
1998-99 Edward Zak
1999-00 Richard Stacy
2000-01 Nancy Bryan
2001-02 Thomas A. Frawley
2002-03 Joseph M. Leogrande
2003-04 Robert Clark
2004-05 Alta Jo Longware
2005-06 Thomas A. Frawley
2006-07 David Arnone
2007-08 Mike Thurlow
2008-09 Jan Stark
2009-10 Jan Stark
2010-11 Clark Greene
2011-12 Mike Fry
2012-13 Robert B. Tufte Jr., DTE
2013-14 Robert B. Tufte Jr., DTE
2014-15 Alta Jo Longware
2015-16 Alta Jo Longware
2017-18 Liz Gallo
2018-20 Dr. Mark Hardy
2020-21 Matt McGuire
2021-22 Caitlin Bowen
2022-23 Caitlin Bowen
2023-24 Nathan Smith