Advisory Council

¾«¶«Ó°ÒµAdvisory Council

Meeting Friday, March 22, 2019 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Onondaga Community College

Purpose of The ¾«¶«Ó°ÒµAdvisory Council:

  1. The Advisory Council provides the ¾«¶«Ó°Òµwith recommendations, direction, expertise, and support but does not set policy.
  2. Recommends ways to resolve any discrepancies between programs and philosophies of technology education and current industrial/technological practices.
  3. Reviews / recommends content direction and student survey topics to improve the relevancy and validity of technology education.
  4. Suggest methods and strategies for improving the public’s perception and understanding of technology education.
  5. Assist in the cooperation between and among industry, higher education, secondary education, The N.Y.S. Board of Regents, State Education Department, local school boards, fields of engineering and engineering technology, politicians, areas of business. technology education related vendors, etc…

Recent Advisory Council Recommendations:  

    • Create and administer a middle school student survey
    • Create and administer a high school student survey
    • Improve the student surveys wherever possible and administer them on an ongoing basis
    • Develop a sub-committee to determine how to promote diversity in technology education
    • Pursue a ¾«¶«Ó°ÒµCorporate Membership initiative
    • Write a position paper supporting T.E. instruction in NYS
2019 – 2020 Advisory Council Members
(Listed Alphabetically)

David Beard

NYS Master Teacher

NYS Program of the Year – Maine-Endwell CSD

Caitlin Bowen

STEM / STEAM Representative


Richard Bush

T & E Professor

SUNY Oswego

Dr. Craig Clark, PE, PhD

V.P. For Economic Development

Alfred State

Dr. Larry Dake, PhD

Assistant Superintendent for Personnel & Secondary Education

Union-Endicott CSD

Philip Dettelis

Technology Education Associate 

N.Y.S. Education Department

Liz Gallo

¾«¶«Ó°ÒµImmed. Past President

Chuck Goodwin, DTE

¾«¶«Ó°ÒµAdvisory Council Facilitator

Immed. Past Pres. NYS STEM Ed. Collab.

Clark Green

Professor – Buffalo State

¾«¶«Ó°ÒµAdvisory Council Co-Chair

Dr. Mark Hardy. PhD

2018-19 ¾«¶«Ó°ÒµPresident

T & E Dept. Chairperson – SUNY Oswego

Howie Hollander

President Emeritus,

Technology Alliance of Central NY (TACNY)

Sean Keegan

NYS Master Teacher & Engineer

NYS Program of the Year – Maine-Endwell CSD

Dawn B. Mastroianni

Senior Consultant

CTE Technical Assistance Center of N.Y.

Frank Roma, PE

N.Y.S. Soc.of Professional Engineers

President of NYS STEM Ed. Collab.

Dr. Mark Springston, PhD

T & E Professor

SUNY Oswego

Henry Strada

¾«¶«Ó°ÒµS.E. District VP

Dr. Ron Todd, PhD

Design & Technology – UK

Dist. Author & Researcher

¾«¶«Ó°ÒµAdvisory Council History:


Established during the Fall

1993 – 94

Chaired by Chuck Goodwin

1994- 95

Chaired by Bill Youngfert

1993 – 96

Political Support was provided through NYSTEEA’s paid Lobbyist Mary Ann McClain


Held a Summit on Technology Education in Albany at Shaker Middle School.

1995 – 2002

Advisory Council did not meet


¾«¶«Ó°ÒµAdvisory Council is re-established.


Chaired by Chuck Goodwin


Advisory Sub Committee created ” Action Committee For Promoting Diversity in Technology Education” Chaired by SUNY Oswego’s Donna Matteson