SECTION 1. The name of this organization shall be: New York State Technology and Engineering Educators’ Association (NYSTEEA).

SECTION 2. It shall be the purpose of this Association to:

2.1: Be an Organization specifically dedicated to the interests of Technology and Engineering Education, and to the interests of individuals associated with that field of education within New York State.

2.2: Foster all policies and programs including state and national legislative programs contributing to the improvement and expansion of those services to the school children of the State of New York implied in the definition and objectives of the Technology Education program.

2.3: Provide the means through which problems of Technology and Engineering Education can be approached, studied, and presented on a unified statewide level.

2.4: Encourage the development of leadership among the Technology Education teachers by providing a means through which individuals contributions in research, service, and leadership may be recognized and rewarded.

2.5: Encourage, stimulate, coordinate, and disseminate research and experimentation in Technology and Engineering Education.

2.6: Serve as a clearinghouse, through which contributions of individuals and groups may be stimulated, sponsored, and made available for the improvement of Technology and Engineering Education throughout the State.

2.7: Originate, assimilate, and dispense information (within the educational field and to the general public) relative to the scope, aims, objectives, procedures, activities, and accomplishments of Technology and Engineering Education as it is provided in the schools of New York State.

2.8: Recognize and reward the achievements of professionals and pupils within the field of Technology and Engineering Education


SECTION 1. Annual membership and fiscal year shall be determined according to the provisions established in the By-laws.

SECTION 2. Dues shall be established annually by the executive committee, subject to ratification by the Representative Assembly.

SECTION 3. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP -Active membership may be held in this association by those individuals actively engaged in the field of Technology and Engineering Education including:

3.1ÌýTeachers of Technology and Engineering Education

3.2ÌýSupervisors of Technology and Engineering Education

3.3ÌýAdministrators of Technology and Engineering Education

SECTION 4. LIFE MEMBERSHIP -Life membership may be held in this Association by individuals who qualify as Active Members.

SECTION 5. HONORARY MEMBERSHIP -Honorary membership may be presented by this Association when so recommended by the Awards Committee.

SECTION 6. CONTINUING MEMBERSHIP -Continuing membership (i.e. for retired members, provided they have been members in good standing for at least five years previous to retirement.

SECTION 7. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP -Associate membership may be held in this Association by those not actively engaged in Technology Education but who are interested in its progress.

SECTION 8. SUSTAINING AND CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP -Sustaining and corporate membership is available to industrial concerns, wholesale, and retail firms, suppliers, and those interested in Technology Education.

SECTION 9. STUDENT MEMBERSHIP -Student membership may be held in the Association only by persons who are enrolled at either the undergraduate or graduate levels as pre-service Technology teacher education students. (Note: Employed teachers are excluded from holding student memberships even if they are enrolled in college course work.) College students in their last year of college studies will be given one year of free membership to this Association and free registration to the annual Association conference.

SECTION 10. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL UNIFIED NYSTEEA/ITEEA MEMBERSHIP -Each elementary school that becomes a member of ITEEA will automatically be an elementary school member of this association.


The Organizational structure of the New York State Technology and Engineering Educators’ Association shall consist of:

SECTION 1. The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of this Association shall be made up of the President, Vice President,

President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary and Treasurer.

SECTION 2. The Executive Board

The Executive Board of this Association shall be made up of the following:

The Elected Officers

The Executive Secretary (non-voting)

The Journal Editor (non-voting)

The Immediate Past President

The Membership Secretary (non-voting)

District Vice Presidents

The S.E.D. Liaison (non-voting)

Advisory Council Liaison (non-voting)

STEM Collaborative Liaison (non-voting)

SECTION 3. The Representative Assembly

SECTION 4. The Regional Technology and Engineering Educators’ÌýAssociations

SECTION 5. The Individual members


SECTION 1. The elected officers of this Association shall be: president, president-elect, vice president, secretary and treasurer.

SECTION 2. Election procedures, eligibility, and terms of office will be governed by the ¾«¶«Ó°ÒµBy-laws in effect at that time.


SECTION 1. The executive committee shall create an Officers Manual to determine the duties of individual officers. The Representative Assembly will then vote to ratify the Officers Manual.

SECTION 2. The Representative Assembly may at the Annual Meeting compel the Executive Committee to modify and/or rewrite the Officers Manual.


SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the Representative Assembly to:

A) Conduct the business of the Association;
B) Establish and or ratify the general policies of the Association;
C) Elect the Officers of the Association;
D) Establish needed committees and charge them with their obligations;
E) Act on committee reports;
F) Charge the Executive Committee with the implementation of the decisions of the ÌýRepresentative Assembly;
G) Consider for approval the financial and moral support of Association committees;
H) Approve the proposed Association budget.


SECTION 1. There shall be an annual ¾«¶«Ó°Òµconference. The time, location, and agenda shall be determined as per the By-laws.

SECTION 2. All Notice of Meeting requirements shall be determined as per the Bylaws.

SECTION 3. Business may not be conducted in the name of the Association or any part or committee of this Association, unless a quorum, as established in the By-laws, is present.


SECTION 1. Only ACTIVE, CONTINUING, and STUDENT ¾«¶«Ó°Òµmembers may vote.


SECTION 1: Proposed amendments to this constitution shall be submitted in writing, at the annual meeting of the Representative Assembly. No vote may be taken until the following annual meeting.

SECTION 2: A copy of the Amendment shall be sent to each regional Technology Education Association and published on the official Association website at least ninety (90) days prior to the annual meeting at which the vote takes place.

SECTION 3: This constitution may then be amended by an affirmative vote of three-fourths of the delegates present at the Representative Assembly.