
Article I – Membership and Dues

Section 1: Annual Membership

The membership year shall be from the month of application through the last day of the following twelve months.

Section 2: Dues

Dues shall be established annually by the executive committee, subject to ratification by the Representative Assembly.

Section 3: Active Membership

Dues for active members shall be determined by the Executive Committee.

Section 4: Life Members

Life membership shall be at a rate of fifteen (15) times the affiliated membership dues, and may be paid in a lump sum or in five annual installments; each installment to be one- fifth of the total amount due. (Note: There is presently a moratorium on new life memberships.)

Section 5: Associate Members

Associate membership dues shall be the same as active membership dues.

Section 6: Continuing Membership

Upon retirement, active members shall be entitled to continue membership with all the benefits of active membership, excluding a subscription to the Technology Educator. Retirees may have the option of receiving the Technology Educator by a payment of twelve dollar ($12.00) fee which will be approximately equal to the costs of publication and postage.

Section 7: Honorary Members

There shall be no assessment of dues for honorary members.

Section 8: Sustaining Members/Corporate Members

Sustaining membership shall be in the form of a donation of at least $100 per year.

Section 9: Student Members:

Dues for student members shall be ten dollars per year except for Technology Education college seniors whose dues will be waived for their senior year. Technology Education college student membership association dues will be ten dollars ($10.00); College student membership applications must attach current valid evidence of enrollment at a pre-service technology education college

Section 10: Elementary School Membership:

Elementary school members will be unified with ITEAA elementary school membership.

Section 11: In consideration of the dues as stated in the foregoing sections of these By-laws, it shall be understood that all mailing shall be on an individual basis.

Section 12: Joint ¾«¶«Ó°Òµand ITEEA membership is available with reduced rates for both memberships.

Article II – Qualifications of the Elected Officers

To be nominated for, and serve as an elected officer of this Association, a member must be:

An active member in both a regional Technology and Engineering Educators’ Association and in the New York State Technology and Engineering Educators’ Association for at least one full membership year before election.

Either a present or past member of the Representative Assembly or have served this Association as member of a standing committee or as a member of the executive committee or board..

Willing to serve if elected.

Article III – Election of Officers

Section 1: The president-elect, vice president, secretary and treasurer will be voted upon by all members of the representative assembly.  A majority vote of all eligible members in attendance is required.

Section 2: District Vice President’s will require a majority vote of representatives in attendance from regional associations within their respective district.

Section 3:  There will be no proxy voting.  Only members in attendance will be permitted to vote.


Article IV – Terms of Office

Section 1: The term of office shall be:

1.1 President:  One or two yeas as determined by the Representative Assembly

1.2 President Elect: One year, if president is doing a two year term, the President Elect will be voted on again in the second year. (The President Elect shall automatically assume the office of President when the position becomes vacant.)

1.3 Immediate Past President: One year (shall assume office for one year following tenure as president)  If current president serves a second term, the immediate past president’s term will be increased to two years.

1.4 Vice President: One year

1.5ÌýSecretary. Two years (to be elected on alternating years from the Treasurer)

1.6ÌýTreasurer: Two years (to be elected on alternating years from the Secretary)

1.7ÌýExecutive Secretary: The Executive Secretary shall be appointed for a two year term.

1.8ÌýEditor: The position of Editor shall be appointed for a three year (3) term

1.9 District Vice President: Two year term (Northeastern, Western, and Far Western District Vice Presidents to be elected on alternate years from the Southeastern, Metropolitan, and Central District Vice Presidents).

1.10ÌýMembership Secretary: The position of Membership Secretary shall be a two-year (2) term.

1.11ÌýThe State Education Department Liaison: two-year (2) term.

1.12ÌýAdvisory Council Liaison shall be appointed two-year (2) term.

1.13ÌýSTEM Collaborative Liaison shall be appointed for a two year (2) term.

Section 2: Officers shall assume their duties at the beginning of the fiscal year. Installation is to take place at the first Executive Board meeting of that year.

Section 3: The fiscal year of the Association shall be from July first through June thirtieth.

Article V – Duties of Officers

Duties of the Officers, Liaisons and Committee Chairs and Special Appointments (To be included with the ¾«¶«Ó°ÒµProcedures & Practices Manual/VPs Handbook, etc.)

Section 1: The President shall:

1.1ÌýPreside at all regular and special Executive Committee and Executive Board meetings.*

1.2ÌýPreside at the Annual Representative Assembly.

1.3ÌýAppoint all committees chairs and liaisons not otherwise named.

1.4ÌýShall coordinate the ¾«¶«Ó°Òµdirection each year.

1.5ÌýSubmit a written report at each regular Executive Board meeting.

1.6ÌýCo-sign written orders (vouchers) for final disbursements in accordance with the approved budget.

1.7ÌýAttend or arrange for representation at NYSCEA, NYSACTE, ITEEA and other affiliate meetings.

1.8ÌýApprove all materials prior to submission to the ¾«¶«Ó°ÒµWeb Master for posting.

1.9ÌýPrepare and submit regular articles and updates to the President’s News page of the web site.

In preparation for the Annual Conference

1.10ÌýServe as Executive Board liaison to the Annual Conference Committee

1.11ÌýPrepare a letter for initial conference mailings and promotional materials

1.12ÌýApprove the conference mailings, program, speakers, and schedule of events

1.13ÌýPrepare a welcome letter/thank you letter for inclusion in the conference packet

1.14ÌýPrepare special award nominations to the Awards Chair

1.15 Prepare invitations for special guests and affiliate liaisons

1.16ÌýPrepare speeches for conference functions at the request of the conference chair

1.17ÌýIn preparation for the Annual Representative Assembly

1.18ÌýPrepare an annual report summarizing the activities of the Association during his/her year as President for presentation at the Annual Representative Assembly.

In preparation for the final meeting of the year and upcoming year

1.19ÌýForward new Executive Board and committee information to the Executive Secretary to update the ¾«¶«Ó°Òµstationary and other documents for distribution.

1.20 Assist President-elect to organize/schedule welcoming/orientation sessions.

1.21ÌýPrepare thank you letters to Executive Board Members School Districts

Section 2: The President-elect shall:

2.1ÌýAttend all regular and special Executive Committee and Executive Board meetings.*

2.2ÌýAttend the Annual Representative Assembly.

2.3ÌýServe in the absence of the President.

2.4ÌýSubmit a written report at each regular Executive Board meeting.

2.5ÌýAttend NYSCEA, NYSACTE, ITEEA or other meetings at the request of the President.

In preparation for the Annual Conference

2.6ÌýAssist with arrangements for TOY awards ceremonies.

2.7ÌýPrepare a welcome letter/letter of introduction for inclusion in the conference packet.

2.8ÌýPrepare speeches for conference functions at the request of the President and Conference Chair.

In preparation for the Annual Representative Assembly

2.9ÌýConsult with the treasurer to prepare a proposed budget for the upcoming year for approval by the Representative Assembly.

2.10ÌýServe as Executive Board liaison to the Annual Representative Assembly Committee

2.11ÌýAssist the Representative Assembly Floor Manager regarding details of the Representative Assembly such as delegates, membership status, facilities, etc.

2.12ÌýWork with the Executive Secretary to establish and distribute the agenda.

2.13ÌýSubmit a written report summarizing activities for distribution at the Representative Assembly.

2.14ÌýPrepare a statement of direction for the Association for the upcoming year.

In preparation for the last meeting of the year and upcoming year

2.15ÌýSubmit to the Executive Board at its last meeting of the current fiscal year.

2.16ÌýProposed changes to the current charges of all committees.

2.17ÌýProposed additions and/or deletions of special committees.

2.18ÌýRecommended appointments for chairpersons of committees and special appointments for the next fiscal year.

2.19ÌýOrganize and schedule a welcoming/orientation session for new executive board members and committee chairs. (Possibly in conjunction with the last fiscal meeting of the year)

2.20ÌýSchedule tentative dates for executive board meetings for the upcoming year.

2.21ÌýOrganize and schedule a welcoming/orientation session for Regional Presidents. (Possibly in conjunction with the first Executive Board meeting of the year)


Section 3 The Immediate Past President shall:

3.1ÌýAttend all regular and special Executive Committee and Executive Board meetings*

3.2ÌýAttend the Annual Representative Assembly.

3.3ÌýSubmit a written report at each regular Executive Board meeting.

3.4ÌýMake recommendations with respect to the functioning of the Executive Board and Executive Committee.

3.5ÌýIn preparation for the annual Representative Assembly

3.6ÌýPublicize, solicit, and coordinate the nomination and election of Executive Board members as defined in the Bylaws.

3.7ÌýSubmit a written report summarizing activities for distribution at the Annual Representative Assembly.


Section 4: The Vice-President shall:

4.1ÌýAttend all regular and special Executive Committee and Executive Board meetings.*

4.2ÌýAttend the Annual Representative Assembly.

4.3 Arrange accommodations (meeting meals and sleeping arrangements) for all Executive Board meetings.

4.4ÌýServe in the absence of the President and President-elect.

4.5ÌýSubmit a written report at each regular Executive Board meeting.

4.6ÌýPerform duties that may be assigned by the President.

4.7ÌýSupervise Standing and Special Committees.

4.8ÌýAssist District Vice-Presidents with the planning and support of district mini-conferences.

In preparation for the Annual Conference

4.9ÌýAssist the Awards Chairperson in planning and execution of all awards functions at the annual conference.

In preparation for the annual Representative Assembly

4.10ÌýSubmit a written report summarizing activities for distribution at the Representative Assembly


Section 5: The Treasurer shall:

5.1ÌýAttend all regular and special Executive Committee and Executive Board meetings.*

5.2ÌýAttend the Annual Representative Assembly.

5.3ÌýSubmit a written report at each regular Executive Board meeting.

5.4ÌýAct as the custodian of all funds deposited to the credit of the Association.

5.5 Disburse funds on written order signed by the President.

6.6ÌýKeep an exact record of all receipts and expenditures and submit an itemized report of the same with vouchers to each meeting or to the Executive Committee upon demand.

6.7ÌýReceive and collect all moneys due the Association and deposit them in an interest bearing account in a bank regulated by New York State banking laws

6.8 Prepare and file State and Federal Income Tax Returns before the deadline set by the IRS.

6.9ÌýMaintain a separate accounting for those funds received in payment toward Life Memberships. Such funds shall be disbursed only upon unanimous vote of the Executive Committee.

6.10ÌýSubmit Association treasury books and accounts to an Auditing Committee at each annual meeting of the Representative Assembly.

6.11ÌýArrange for a certified public accountant, at Association expense, to review Association treasury books and accounts at the end of his/her term(s) in office.

In preparation for the Annual Representative Assembly

6.12ÌýPrepare an annual budget for the ensuing year to be submitted to the annual Representative Assembly for approval.

6.13ÌýSubmit a written report summarizing activities for distribution at the Representative Assembly.


Section 7:  The District Vice Presidents shall:

7.1ÌýAttend as many regular and special Executive Board meetings as possible.*

7.2ÌýAttend the Annual Representative Assembly.

7.3ÌýSubmit a written report at each Executive Board meeting.

7.4ÌýAttend as many regional association meetings in the district as possible.

7.5ÌýSubmit updated information for Regional Officers to the Executive Secretary in September or as soon as the information is available.

7.6ÌýSupport regional associations by attending meetings, disseminating information, gathering feedback, as well as soliciting award nominations and applications.

7.7 Maintain an open line of communication between regional associations in their district and the ¾«¶«Ó°ÒµExecutive Board, standing committees and special committees.

7.8ÌýActively recruit new members for NYSTEEA.

7.9ÌýActively recruit new Executive Board and Committee Chair/Liaison members.

7.10ÌýPromote mini-grant, student scholarship, and other opportunities offered by NYSTEEA.

7.11ÌýOrganize at least one ¾«¶«Ó°Òµprofessional development workshop or mini-conference during his/her two year term as District VP.

In preparation for the Annual Conference

7.12 Promote and process Regional Teacher of the Year applications (RTOY) and Program of the Year forms from their district and forward the recommendations to the Awards Chairperson.

7.13ÌýWork with the Awards Chairperson to plan & present the RTOY awards at the conference.

In preparation for the Annual Representative Assembly

7.14ÌýSolicit and forward completed copies of the Regional Association
Officer and Delegate Forms to the state association Executive Secretary,
Membership Secretary, and Representative Assembly Floor Manager by the date
specified on the forms to validate state association affiliation.

7.15ÌýSubmit a written report summarizing activities for distribution at the Representative Assembly


Section 8: The Secretary shall:

8.1ÌýAttend all regular and special meetings of the Executive Committee and Board and the Annual Representative Assembly, or arrange for coverage in advance if unable to attend.*

8.2ÌýSubmit a written report for each executive board meeting.

8.3ÌýRecord the minutes of the regular and special meetings in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.  Minutes should contain all pertinent information regarding what the association does or acts upon, motions and votes on motions.

8.4ÌýMaintain a copy (electronic and printed) of accumulative minutes and have a copy available at all meetings.

8.5ÌýDistribute a printed copy to all executive board members at least 30 days prior to the following meeting.

In preparation for the annual Representative Assembly

8.6ÌýSubmit a written report summarizing activities for distribution at the Representative Assembly

8.7ÌýTransmit a printed copy of the minutes of the Representative Assembly within 60 days following the Annual Meeting, to Executive Board members and the President of each regional association.

Section 9: The Executive Secretary shall:

9.1ÌýAttend as many ¾«¶«Ó°ÒµExecutive Board meetings as possible.

9.2ÌýConsult with the President to compose and distribute agendas for Executive Board meetings.

9.3ÌýSolicit, compile and distribute reports in electronic format prior to exec board meetings.

9.4ÌýPrepare a written report for each executive board meeting.

9.5ÌýServe as Parliamentarian at executive board meetings and the annual meeting of the Representative Assembly.

9.6ÌýWrite correspondence as directed by the President.

9.7ÌýUpdate, compile and distribute documents for the Regional President’s Handbook.

9.8ÌýUpdate, compile and distribute documents for the District Vice President’s Handbook.

9.9ÌýKeep the ¾«¶«Ó°ÒµConstitution and Bylaws.

9.10ÌýSolicit and maintain a ¾«¶«Ó°ÒµInsurance Policy annually.

In preparation for the Annual Representative Assembly

9.11ÌýConsult with the Executive Committee to compose and distribute the agenda for the Annual Meeting.

9.12ÌýCollect Motion/Resolution forms for presentation at the Assembly meeting.

9.13ÌýProvide an annual printed update for the board and the membership at each Representative Assembly.

9.14ÌýCompile the ¾«¶«Ó°Òµdirectory and provide copies for the Executive board, chairs, liaisons, and the Representative Assembly.

9.15ÌýCompile other necessary documents for distribution at the Representative Assembly.

In preparation for the upcoming year

9.16 Consult with the President-elect to update the ¾«¶«Ó°Òµofficial stationery for distribution at the final Executive Board meeting to reflect officers for the coming year.


Section 10: The Membership Secretary shall:

10.1ÌýAttend all regular and executive board meetings and the Annual Representative Assembly.*

10.2ÌýPrepare a written report for each executive board meeting.

10.3ÌýMaintain membership database information

10.4ÌýPrepare one printed copy of membership database for all executive board meetings, sorted by region number and last name.

10.5ÌýPrepare electronic copies of regional membership database for all District Vice Presidents.

10.5ÌýPrepare printed or electronic copy of general membership database for executive committee or journal editor upon request.


10.6.1ÌýSort and mail monthly membership renewals.

10.6.2ÌýEnter monthly renewal returns into the database.

10.6.3ÌýMail membership cards to renewals and new members.

10.6.4ÌýPrepare and mail monthly membership income to the treasurer.

10.6.5ÌýProcess and mail ITEEA membership requests to ITEEA.


10.7.1ÌýPrepare special mailings to members who have not renewed in more than two years

10.7.2ÌýIn preparation for the Annual Conference

10.7.3ÌýPrepare membership database for use by conference chairperson to track new and renewed memberships which accompany conference registrations.

10.7.4ÌýUpdate membership records as received from conference chairperson.

In preparation for the Annual Representative Assembly:

10.8ÌýPrepare regional membership data for Representative Assembly Chair

In preparation for the upcoming year:

10.9ÌýRequest special dates that will be printed on the membership card.

10.10 Prepare forms and membership card and arrange for printing.

*Note:  It is expected that Executive Board members will make every effort to attend all Meetings but it is understood that personal health and family crisis may prevent attendance.


Section 11: ¾«¶«Ó°ÒµAssociation Liaisons shall:

11.1ÌýRepresent ¾«¶«Ó°Òµat affiliate meetings or functions.(Such as NYSCEA, NYSACTE, NYSUT, ITEEA, TSA, EPT)

11.2ÌýAttend Executive Board meetings as needed.

11.3 Submit a written report to the Executive Board as requested

Submit a written report to the Annual Representative Assembly.

Section 12: The Advisory Council Liaison shall:

12.1ÌýAttend as many regular Executive Board meetings as possible.

12.2ÌýPrepare a written report for each executive board meeting.

12.3 Make contact with business and industry

12.4ÌýMake contact with colleges that help promote our discipline.

12.5ÌýMaintain a database of contacts.

12.6ÌýDistribute documents to business and industry to show examples of our discipline.

12.7ÌýWork with Competitions Committee to solicit financial backing.

12.8ÌýMaintain a registry of Technology Education teachers who are involved with business and industry.

Section 13

Section 13.1 Attend  as many regular Executive Board meetings as possible.

Section 13.2 Prepare a written report for each Executive Board meeting.

Section 13.3 Work with other STEM disciplines to promote STEM Education.

Section 14: ¾«¶«Ó°ÒµCommittee Chairs and Special Appointees shall:

14.1Perform the duties appropriate to his/her committee as described by the Boards instructions.*

14.2ÌýAttend Executive Board meetings upon request of the Executive Committee.

14.3 Submit a written report to the Executive Board.

14.4ÌýSubmit a written report to the annual Representative Assembly.

* Committee charges will be described in the ¾«¶«Ó°ÒµProcedures and Practices Handbook.


Article VI – Succession and Liability of Officers

Section 1:

1.1: In the event that the President is unable, as determined by the Executive Board, to discharge the duties of President, the office of President shall be assumed by the President-Elect.

1.2: In the event that the President-Elect is unable, as determined by the Executive Board, to discharge the duties of President, the office of President shall remain vacant, and the office of  President for the next fiscal year shall be filled by nomination at the annual Representative Assembly held at the conference.

1.3: For all other elected officers of the Association, vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Board.

Section 2:

In case a District Vice President is unable to assume or fulfill an established term of office, the Presidents of Regional Associations within that district shall provide nominees to the Executive Board. An appointment will be made by the Executive Board to fill said position for the remainder of that fiscal year.

Section 3:

Appointed Board Members: Can be removed by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board.  Resignation or removal will terminate the tenure in the position and a new candidate will be appointed to fulfill the term.

Section 4:

The corporation shall indemnify and hold harmless any officer or director for any claim asserted against such officer or director in his capacity as such to

the extent allowable under New York Not For Profit Corporation Law Section 721 as it exists or is hereafter amended.

Article VII- Proportional Representation

Section 1:

1.1:ÌýProportional representation of the Regional Associations in the Representative Assembly shall be determined as follows:

2- 15 Qualified Members 1 Representative

16 -30 Qualified Members 2 Representative

31-45 Qualified Members 3 Representative

46-60 Qualified Members 4 Representative


1.2: Representative Assembly Delegate Forms and Representative Assembly Alternate Delegate Forms will be included in the Regional President’s Handbook and mailed to local association presidents in September. The forms will have the name of the delegate or alternate, the regional association, regional association number, school address, home address, e-mail addresses, home phone numbers, school phone numbers, of all delegates. The proportional number of delegates will be allotted on the forms using the most current state association membership secretary records for regional associations. The Representative Assembly Coordinator will request that the forms be returned to the Representative Assembly Floor Manager to validate state association membership delegates and alternates using state association membership secretary records to prevent delays in seating delegates at the Representative Assembly.  The date that forms must be returned will be determined by the Representative Assembly Floor Manager and will be placed on the necessary forms.

Section 2:

Proportional representation of the student member associations in the Representative Assembly shall be determined as follows:

2- 15 Qualified Members 1 Representative 16 or more Members 2 Representatives

Section 3:

At minimum, the president and treasurer of a regional association must be current members of the State Association for that regional to be affiliated with the State Association and have delegates seated at the Representative Assembly. The name of the regional association, regional association number, counties represented, school addresses, home addresses, e-mail addresses, home phone number, and school phone numbers of all elected officers, appointed officers, representative assembly delegates and alternates, are to be entered by the regional association president on a “District Regional Association Officer and Delegate Representative Form. The form will be included in the Regional President’s Handbook. The completed form will be mailed to the District Vice President, who will forward copies to the state association Executive Secretary, Membership Secretary, and Representative Assembly Floor Manager to validate state association affiliation, validate state association membership of officers, delegates, and alternates, and provide information for the association officer directory. To be seated at the representative assembly, all elected and appointed officers must be registered on the form and sent to the Representative Floor Manager. The floor manager shall notify the regional if any disqualifications occur and give the regional two weeks to rectify the problem.  The Representative Assembly Floor Manager shall determine the cut-off dates and have them placed on the necessary forms

Article VIII- Meetings

Section 1: Annual Conference

The date, number of sessions and the location of the annual conference of the Association shall be determined by the Executive committee.

Section 2: Executive Committee

The dates and the number of sessions of the Executive Committee meetings held at the time of the annual conference of the Association shall be determined by the President and/or the Executive Committee.

2.2ÌýAt least two meetings of the Executive Committee in addition to those held at the annual conference shall be held each year. The dates and locations of these meetings shall be determined by the President and/or the Executive Committee.

Section 3: Executive Board

The dates and number of sessions of the Executive Board shall be determined by the President and/or the Executive Board.

Section 4: ¾«¶«Ó°ÒµDistricts

The Executive Secretary will keep a list of active and inactive associations.

¾«¶«Ó°ÒµDistricts shall include the following Regional Associations:

4.1: Central – 9, 22, 23, 26, 31, 43

4.2:ÌýNortheastern – 10, 30, 32, 37, 42

4.3: Metropolitan – 2, 19, 21, 24, 40, 41, 51

4.4: Southeastern – 12, 25, 33, 38, 45

4.5: Western – 17, 18, 20, 27

4.6: Far Western – 1, 8, 16, 29, 34, 39

Section 5: Notice of Meetings:

5.1ÌýNotification of the annual meeting including dates and location shall be mailed to all members at least six months prior to the annual meeting.

5.2ÌýAll members of regional Associations and all representatives, delegates, and members of committees shall be mailed notices of any special meeting thirty days prior to the meeting.

5.3ÌýIn cases of emergency, a meeting of the Executive Committee may be called at any time and place provided a quorum agrees to attend.

Section 6: Reimbursement for Expenses

6.1ÌýMembers of the Executive Committee whose attendance at regular or special meetings is required shall be reimbursed from the Association treasury for expenses incurred, at the samerate as New York State allows its employees.

6.2ÌýOthers, whose attendance is required at meetings, as approved by the Executive Committee, shall also be reimbursed at the same rate.

Section 7: Representative Assembly

7.1ÌýThe date and location of the annual meeting of the Representative Assembly shall be determined by the President and/or the Executive Committee.

7.2ÌýAdditional meetings of the Representative Assembly may be called as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee, based on the recommendation of the President.

Section 8: Electronic Meetings

8.1 Electronic meetings will be conducted according to Roberts Rules pertaining to electronic meetings and the bylaws of the association.

8.2 Synchronistic Meetings: The meeting(s) must be conducted by a technology that allows all persons participating to hear each other at the same time (and, if a videoconference, to see each other as well).

8.3 Non-synchronistic Meetings: Efforts to conduct the deliberative process by postal or electronic mail or facsimile (fax) transmission are prohibited.

Article IX – Quorum

Section 1:

A quorum for all meetings of the Executive Committee shall consist of three of the six members

Section 2:

A quorum for all meetings of the Executive Board shall consist of a majority of its voting members.

Section 3:

A quorum for all meetings of the Representative Assembly shall consist of at least one representative each from a majority of the active affiliated regional associations.

Section 4:

A quorum for standing committees, special committees, and other groups shall consist of a majority of the active members of such committees or groups.

Section 5:

Unless otherwise stated in this Constitution and bylaws, a simple majority shall be used for all voting and balloting.

Article X – Position Papers

Section 1:

Any position paper prepared, endorsed or issued by any committee or other group of the association must be approved by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board before being released.

Section 2:

Position papers may be ordered by or submitted directly to the Representative Assembly provided they are given to the delegates sixty (60) days prior to the Assembly meeting and are approved by 2/3 of the Representative Assembly.

Section 3:

A copy of each position paper released by the Association shall be given to each delegate and the President of each regional association by the next Representative Assembly.

Article XI – Committees

Section 1: Standing Committees in the Association shall include the following:

Advisory Council

Annual Conference

Awards (TOY, POY, Special Awards, etc.)

Corporate Membership

Grants (Mini-Grants and Competitions)

Journal (Journal Manager and Journal Ad Manager)

Professional Development

Representative Assembly

Teacher Recruitment (Student Scholarship and Technology Honor Society)


Section 2: Special Appointments (Committee of One):

Facilities Consultant

Historian (History and Archives)

Public Relations Consultant

Sustaining Membership Coordinator

Web Master

Section 3: Special Committees may be appointed by the President and or the Executive Committee as deemed necessary.

Section 4: Special Appointees shall be appointed by the President and or the Executive Committee as deemed necessary.

Section 5: From time to time, the Executive Board and/or the Membership may create committees charged with producing certain works of a specified media (print, electronic, audio etc.).  Authorship of any such work shall be credited to the Committee charged with producing the work. Any copyright or other intellectual property right associated with such a work shall belong solely to NYSTEEA.

Section 6: The president shall appoint an auditing committee of at least three Association members who will meet at the annual Representative Assembly meeting to review the financial books and accounts of the Association.

Section 7: A New York State Technology and Engineering Educators’ Association Advisory Council shall be established of individuals within and outside the field of Technology Education to advise the Association as how it can best serve the students in Technology and Engineering Education programs.


Article XII- Amendments

Section 1:

These By-laws may be amended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the representatives present at any annual meeting of the Representative assembly provided:

1.1ÌýSuch amendment is presented, in writing, by a representative, prior to the meeting, or,

1.2ÌýSuch amendment is presented, in writing, by a representative, from the floor at any regular business meeting session, or,

1.3ÌýSuch amendment is presented, in writing, by the Executive Committee, prior to any regular business session, and

1.4ÌýAt the discretion of the President, or by motion of any representative and passed by a majority vote, the vote on the amendment shall be by secret ballot.


Article XIII- Logo

Section 1:

The Executive Board shall cause to be designed and shall approve an official logo for the Association.

Section 2:

The Executive Board shall provide the specifications for the reproduction and use of the official logo.

Section 3:

The official logo should be used wherever practicable on all publications, displays, banners, producers, and the like of the Association.

Section 4:

The official logo must be used without change and in accordance with the specifications set by the Executive Board.

Section 5:

Any changes in or use of the official logo not covered above must be approved by the Executive Board.

Article XIII: Status of the Association

Through the charter granted on May 21, 1964 and the amendment of February 11, 2003, by the New York State Board of Regents, ¾«¶«Ó°Òµis recognized as a not-for-profit incorporated entity and possesses a Federal tax exempt identification number.