ࡱ>  /bjbj *baa'p 8dNlFLt$$$KKKKKKK,MlPTK$Z#$$$Kv%Lv%v%v%$RKv%$Kv%v%f@7 TJJcҮd$)JDKL0FLmJPv%PJv%J$$$KKv%$$$FLP$$$$$$$$$ `:      NYSTEEAs Program of Excellence award is one of the highest honors given to Technology education classroom teachers at the elementary, middle/junior high and high school levels. It is presented in recognition of outstanding contributions to the profession and their students. The Program of Excellence award provides public recognition at the regional and state levels. During NYSTEEAs annual conference, the school is formally introduced to the Awards Ceremony audience and presented an engraved plaque. Ӱҵhas aligned its Program of Excellence process with a similar award presented by the International Technology Engineering Education Association. ITEEA - Access  HYPERLINK "http://www.iteea.org" www.iteea.org - Activities for additional information. Who is Eligible? Candidates for the Program of Excellence award must be characterized as providing Technology education instruction of high quality, learner centered and relevant to a study of technology. Mandatory requirements include: An educator must nominate elementary, middle/junior and/or high school programs. The program teachers must be current Ӱҵmembers and for the preceding year. (2 years) The teachers must be certified to teach in Technology education, must be full-time Technology education teachers (at least four periods a day), and have been teaching for at least 5 years prior to the nomination. The teachers superiors must concur in writing that they are professionals worthy of being considered of receiving such an award. Requirements for the Award: The Program of Excellence award is designed to recognize superior Technology Education programs in New York State. These award-winning programs serve as a standard for comparison and models for the development of other programs. Therefore, it is essential that each program selected and recognized, reflects contemporary Technology Education curriculum and practices. Program of Excellence awards are available for elementary, middle/junior high and high school. Each year Ӱҵmay recognize one POE from each of the school levels. The following are minimum requirements for the ӰҵProgram of Excellence Award: The program teachers must be appropriately certified and involved in on-going Professional Development. The program must reflect a Technology education philosophy and curriculum structure, it must incorporate contemporary teaching strategies. Additionally the program must incorporate activities or units of instruction using state and/or national standards. The program teachers should demonstrate an understanding of the relationships between technology and other areas of study in the school The program teachers maintain the philosophy that all students should and can learn about technology and apply its principles in everyday life. The curriculum must have been written or revised within the last five years. The program must have the support of the building and district administration.   The Award Application The Program of Excellence award application must be organized using the following five categories. In addition, an application cover sheet, which summarizes the program, must be provided. Association Memberships The Program of Excellence award is based on the belief that excellent programs are taught by professional Technology Education teachers. To document the professional membership commitment of the faculty, applications must contain the following information for each Technology education faculty member within the program being reviewed: Name and e.mail information. Number of years assigned to the school. Membership in Ӱҵincluding the number of years the membership has been maintained. Professional Preparation and Development The Faculty in excellent Technology Education programs are properly prepared and engaged in on- going professional development activities as presenters or participants. The documentation for this x category includes the following: Education: A list of the degrees and certification(s) held by each member of the Technology education faculty. Conference Attendance: A list of the annual regional and Ӱҵconferences each faculty member has attended in the last three years. In-service Participation: A list and description of other professional development activities that each faculty member participated in during the last three years. Philosophy and Curriculum Structure Standards: The documentation should demonstrate how the curriculum addresses the New York State Learning Standards. Provide a statement describing how each course meets those state standards. Goals: A list of the goals for the program and a description of how each is met in the various courses. Teaching Strategies: A list and brief description of the content, activities, and teaching strategies used in each course offered within the program. Describe how problem solving, design, and group activities are incorporated into the lessons. Assessment: Describe the various techniques used to determine student progress and program effectiveness. Course Offerings: Provide a chart or narrative which shows the frequency each course is offered during a year, the faculty member(s) who teach each course, and the approximate number of students who enroll in each course during the past 3 years. Program Revision Technology education programs are dynamic and therefore must be constantly revised to insure that students receive contemporary instruction. The application must contain evidence that the curriculum has been written or revised within the last five years. Program Support Excellent programs are recognized and supported by people in responsible positions within the school district and community. To document this support of the program, the application must include the following: Two letters of support - from the school principal or curriculum coordinator or superintendent. A letter of support from an individual / company/organization outside of the specific school Selecting the Award Recipient: For those educators who believe they have a program worthy of recognition, this award application must be submitted to the Ӱҵawards committee. A selection committee of at least two members must review each application using the above requirements and any additional appropriate criteria. This review will include an on-site visit/ observation or the candidate(s) will be required to submit a video based on specific criteria Nomination Packets Must Include: Application Cover Sheet The Award Application, organized following the five (5) categories Letters of Support Nomination Process: December 22 Deadline for nominations sent to the District Vice President . January 2 Completed and verified nomination packets sent to Awards Coordinator. A selection committee reviews the forms and selects up to two finalists January 8 Membership status is verified and on site visitations are scheduled or the candidate is notified of the video due and its details. February 5 On-site visits are completed or the video had been received and reviewed February 15 Finalists are notified of their respective status in the award selection process. March/April Public announcement and awards are presented at the annual conference. For more Information contact: ӰҵAwards Coordinator Joe Fili 36 Titus Road Glen Cove, NY 11542 516-652-3105 filij321@gmail.com  New York State Technology Education Association Program of Excellence Application Cover Sheet Check category: ( Elementary ( Middle/Junior High ( High School School Program contact person ______________________________________e.mail ______________ Name of school: Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________ State ______________________________ ZIP Phone: (cell or home) ( ) Administrators: Superintendent _______________________________e.mail address ____________ Principal ______________________________ e.mail address ____________ Supervisor __________________________________ e.mail address ____________ School District Name: __________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________ State ______________________________ ZIP Type of school ( Rural ( Suburban ( Urban Enrollment: Technology education enrollment: _____ Percentage: Males: Females: Use additional pages as necessary. Technology education teachers (list all faculty members and include e.mail addresses and Ӱҵmembership renewal date for each teacher). Describe the facilities (number and types of Technology education laboratories). Describe the program including how the curriculum reflects the New York State Learning Standards. Statement of Belief: (no more than 50 words on a separate page) This we believe about Technology Education in preparing students for their future: Nominators Name and e.mail address ____________________________________ ӰҵDistrict Vice President ________________________________ signature ӰҵRegional President # ___ _____________________________ signature This Completed application and required documents must first be forwarded to the Regional President then to the District Vice- President for review and verification. The District Vice President will then forward it to the ӰҵAwards Committee Chairperson     June 2015 Program of Excellence Awards General Information      ( 5    / 0 w vkv^vh"h*0JOJQJh*h*OJQJjh*OJQJUh*OJQJho5OJQJhamOJQJham5OJQJh5OJQJhoOJQJhOJQJhhOJQJmHnHu"jhMmuOJQJUmHnHu"jh*OJQJUmHnHuhBOJQJmHnHu# ~u $Ifgdo$  ~= z9!v%$1$Ifa$gd] $$Ifa$gd] :kd$$IfCD%D%D%4 CaCyt* $Ifgd*  ~= z9!v%0dh1$    0 E U a d k Ķ襙|m^VKhC]hoOJQJhC]OJQJhvh_B*OJQJphhvhB*OJQJphhoOJQJ h*h*h*6B*OJQJphh*B*OJQJphh*OJQJham5OJQJh5B* OJQJphh5B* OJQJphho5B* OJQJphhOJQJhOJQJh_OJQJhQOJQJ L d  %&>?$If$  ~= z9!v%$1$Ifa$gd] $$Ifa$gdam $$Ifa$gd] $ & F$Ifa$gdC]$h$If^ha$gd] & F$Ifgd*$ & F$Ifa$gd]  %&*?@TtOPSsrsv^_biļʹͬͤĤʹ͛ʹ񓏃wk__h*B*OJQJphhBB*OJQJphhMSB*OJQJphhB*OJQJphh*h*OJQJho5OJQJh_OJQJhBOJQJhoOJQJhamOJQJham5OJQJhOJQJh5B* OJQJphh5B* OJQJphhhC]hOJQJ% a}vj]j]] hhd^h & F hddx:kd$$IfCD%D%D%4 CaCyt* $$Ifa$gd] :kdU$$IfCD%D%D%4 CaCyt* i56󽮜nR@+(hoh5B*CJ OJQJaJ ph"hMS5B*CJ OJQJaJ ph6jho5B*CJ OJQJUaJ mHnHphu"ho5B*CJOJQJaJph6jhMS5B*CJ OJQJUaJ mHnHphu"h*5B*CJOJQJaJphhMmu56B*OJQJphh56B*OJQJphhMShMSB*OJQJphhMSB*OJQJphhBB*OJQJphhB*OJQJph6LMNOP  hd dgdMmu dd hhd^hgdMmu & F hdgdMmu & F hd & F$ hdgdMS & F hdgdMS 'KLMOT_ij%+6@A}+/tthYM>hMmuhMmuB*OJQJphhoB*OJQJphh5>*B*OJQJphh_B*OJQJphh5B*OJQJphh56B*OJQJphham5OJQJham5B*OJQJphh*B*OJQJphhB*OJQJph+hoh56B*CJ OJQJaJ ph(hohMmu5B*CJ OJQJaJ ph(hoh] 5B*CJ OJQJaJ ph&''wx?@9D & F Ld^`Ldgd[ dh^gdo & F dh^gdMmu & F dh^ d^`d^d & F hd>@DEe  8DNIb"$.uOcEP³hMmuhoB*OJQJphh6B*OJQJphhhQh[B*OJQJphh[B*OJQJphhBB*OJQJphhoB*OJQJphhB*OJQJphh5B*OJQJph5HI#$u{{ & F d^ d^ & F hd hd" dh^ & F dh` dh & F d^ & Fhd^h`d^ NODE d^` d^gdMmu hhd^h` & F hdd dgdu & F d^gdMmu d & F d^  ` a b 2"3"T"U"m"""""^"dd-D M ] d^ & F d^` & F d^ d^`d^   ) A P _ ` b !!!!!!1"3"U""""""""""" #%#'#.#0#8#ƷƳ~ytppk h5hMS h[5 hf5 h5h*B*OJQJphh6B*OJQJphhoB*OJQJphh5B*OJQJphhfB*OJQJphh>*B*OJQJphhB*OJQJph jrhB*OJQJph1**T*U*******+ +C+D++++$,%,',(, $d !d @ |Hld 4d ,$d D ,$d ,$d(,,,,, -!-"-#-$-n-p--- ...///////dgdudgd$da$gdf  !dd,,, -!-"-#-$-v-w--- . .....////Ϳ{m\K:{!hvhfB*CJOJQJph!hvhOB*CJOJQJph!hZ0hfB*CJOJQJphPMhf5B*OJQJphh5B*OJQJphho6B*OJQJphh6B*OJQJphhf6B*OJQJphhB*OJQJphh>*B*OJQJphhf>*B*OJQJph$hvhf5B*CJOJQJph!hvhfB*CJOJQJph//////// /"/#/%/0/1/H/I/O/P/Q/u/////////////ĺph`jNhBUj'hBUhMmuhBB*OJQJphjhBUhB5B* CJ OJQJphhB5CJOJQJhBCJOJQJhamhB5CJOJQJhBCJOJQJhB5CJOJQJhBhQjhQUh h7Xh 5CJOJQJaJh B*OJQJph////!/"/$/%///0/1/U///////////////dgduY $dgdMmugd03 !(/ =!"#*$8% S$$IfC!vh#vD%:V CD%5D%44 CaCyt*S$$IfC!vh#vD%:V CD%5D%44 CaCyt*S$$IfC!vh#vD%:V CD%5D%44 CaCyt*&Dd Q ''`  C <A$NYSTEEA-LOGO-2015R&& cn[ 7&CF% cn[ 7JFIF`` ExifMM*1>2E;Yi`Picasa2012:10:12 10:43:56Picasa0220ؤ !2012:10:12 10:40:390d3366da5faf1989a3b3f7b6241c20e70100http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/ Picasa vPhotoshop 3.08BIM>Z%G720121012< 104039-0400PPicasa8BIM%vJgЗ%č9|C  !"$"$C" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?.i?KG"5|iio?7s|H3:Mzx Ԩ2WE> ,"AJs{A5 GСc5~| Z!a]$Ҵq!Z_S O7⫩ᢦߟk>Q(iMz ?^ s U>ПoRY>Jx5B GСc5>ПoQ s UZ?a[P1?4 &/?N|2?OYg9+1z ?G5B״œeB~G)φ_'T}k,O%o<_[COhP1S O79?*e_0NjQ(iMz ?^ s U>ПoQ}?j=o ?QAx>ȧ}+N|2?O/hm5rH?}?C7]UC0Г(XXdee9 Bq_2|[a>y'Xy4{|n}J~)z ^SͤFWb\oggÈq OfKh?? 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