NYSTEEA The New York State Technology and Engineering Educators Association (NYSTEEA) promotes and encourages excellence in Technology & Engineering Education around New York State. Wed, 16 Dec 2020 18:53:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/nysteea.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/cropped-NYSTEEA_550Px.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 NYSTEEA 32 32 185088372 COVID Guidance for Technology & Engineering Education /covid-guidance-for-technology/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=covid-guidance-for-technology Tue, 04 Aug 2020 00:31:36 +0000 ///?p=19145 By: William Leslie

Points below were extracted from two documents so you don’t have to read 168 pages of State Department of Health & State Education Department Master Guidance (Link Here:

Reference to those documents are listed below. Page numbers are listed before most points. If using a point with administration, committee, teacher, union. Read, quote and reference from the original document so you have the correct context. Hope this helps all of us.

Interim Guidance for In-Person Instruction at Pre-K to Grade 12 Schools during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

New York State Health Department Master Guidance

Prioritize courses with in person lab settings.

Prepare for intermittent school closings

Face covering training

Not sharing workstations, desks, tables other surfaces without cleaning and disinfection between uses

If cohort-grouping model is used cleaning can be preformed between groups instead of between individual students

Faculty & Staff Meetings – Video conferencing or locations that provide spacing between individuals may be maintained

Increase Ventilation

Put in place plans or measures to limit sharing of objects; tools hand hygiene before & after use

Face coverings may be homemade, quick cut bandana, cover nose & mouth

A face shield worn alone is not considered an acceptable face covering

Executive Order 202.16 requires the school to provide PPE to staff at no cost

Staff are allow to use their own acceptable use face coverings

Students must be provided acceptable face coverings at no cost if they do not have their own

Hand hygiene must be taught

Over the counter alcohol based hand sanitizers are to be permitted

Page 15 – Cleaning and disinfection are the primary responsibility of the school’s custodial staff.

Hand free dispensers if possible

Materials and tools used by employees are to be regularly cleaned

Page 16 – Material or machinery, if unable to be cleaned in between uses

Or …If cleaning presents a hazard to the machinery or equipment

Gloves are to be provided/hand-washing station available

Page 17 – Students must be taught/trained on protocols, hand hygiene, proper face coverings wearing, social distancing and respiratory hygiene

Page 18 – Mandatory health screenings, including temperature checks of students, faculty, staff and others

All individuals must have their temperature checked each day, ideally at home prior to school – before entering school a temperature greater than 100.0 the individual must be denied entry, or sent to a dedicated area to be picked up or sent home.

Page 19 – School faculty and staff reporting to school must use a daily screening questionnaire

Students must use a questionnaire periodically and may require parent/guardian assistance to complete

May be done remotely, electronically and prior to school or performed at school

It should identify students & individuals who should not attend school

Must ask:

In the past 14 days:

Been in close proximity to someone with symptoms of COVID-19

Been in close proximity to someone who has tested positive for COVID-

Tested positive for COVID-19

Experienced any symptoms of COVID-19

Has a temperature greater than 100.0

Traveled internationally

Traveled to a state with widespread community transmission of COVID-19 per NYS Travel Advisory

Any gastrointestinal tract symptoms

Any individual answering yes to any question, if screened at school must be immediately sent home with instructions to contact their health provider for assessment and testing. Students being sent home must be immediately separated and supervised until picked up. If diagnostic results are positive school must notify local and state health departments

Page 20 – Personnel performing screening must be appropriately protected & must be trained.

Page 20 – When caring for a suspected or confirmed individual gloves, gown, and fit tested n-95 respirator, surgical face mask, face shield and eye protection should be used.

Page 21 – Confidentially must be maintained of individuals testing positive

A reporting plan must be in place to notify all individuals that had close contact with someone who has tested positive

Recovering, Rebuilding, and Renewing: The Spirt of New York’s Schools Reopening Guidance

Page 7 – Maintain social distancing during emergency drills

Social distance during bus unloading times

Students and drivers must wear masks on the school bus

Page 8 – Schools must have a mechanism to report daily attendance in remote or hybrid settings

use a variety of creative methods to reach out to students and families who have not engaged in distance learning

Page 9 – Communicate instructional plans with parents/guardians

flexibility with the 180 min of Unit of study instruction requirements

Page 15 – Regular and frequent communication between schools, families, and the wider community has always been an essential element of effective family and community engagement.

Page 17 – Schools must maintain social distancing to reopen

PPE availability

Safe transportation

Local hospital capacity

Page 18 -Ensure all persons in the building must maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet whenever possible

Establish protocol for students to take mask breaks

Page 20 – Parents/guardians and staff must conduct a health check before coming to school

Page 21 – Most common symptoms:
– Fever chills 100 or greater
– Cough
– Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
– Fatigue
– Muscle or body aches
– Headache
– New loss of taste or smell
– Sore throat
– Congestion or runny nose
– Nausea or vomiting
– Diarrhea
– Staff must observe students for signs of illness:
– Flushed cheeks
– Rapid or difficulty breathing
– Fatigue
– Irritability
– Frequent bathroom use

Individuals exhibiting these signs should be sent to the nurse for assessment

Anyone with 100 or greater temperature or answering yes to an above screening question is to be sent home immediately

Page 23 – Screening questions may be answered on an app, online, via phone or on paper

Page 24 – Staff members may perform temperature screenings if trained

Staff supervising those being temperature checked must ensure social distancing of students

PPE or barriers for staff members who are conducting the screenings

Page 26 – Classrooms must have highly visible signage for hygiene practices

Page 28 – At a minimum students and staff should wash hands when entering the building and each classroom and:
– after using tools
– before and after snacks and lunch
– after using the bathroom
– after coming in from outdoors
– other examples listed

Page 28 – Tissues should be supplies in each classroom

Page 29 – Stagger arrival and dismissal

Size groups/cohorts in each classroom to maintain 6 feet social distancing

Reduce in school movement

Special area teachers may go to individuals classrooms versus brings student to a special area

Open windows to improve ventilation

Limit shared supplies, clean between cohorts of students

Page 30 – Classroom capacity calculator:

Students at high risk due to health complications may need to attend school remotely, schools will need to make accommodations

Page 31 – If parents/guardians choose not to send their children back to school, schools will need to provide instruction remotely.

Page 32 – A face mask must be used with a face shield, the shield must extend below the chin and to the ears laterally, no gaps between forehead and shield, worn by one person, cleaned between uses, wearer should wash hands after removing and before putting on

Page 33 Students are to be provided 1 disposable mask per week

Teachers are to be provided 5 disposable masks per week

Page 34 – High Intensity Contact with Students (That definition was not defined)

–Is that a Technology Teacher guiding a student on a machine??

10 pairs of disposable gloves per teacher a week

10 disposable gowns per teacher per week

2 reusable face shields total

Page 36 – Cloth face coverings must be worn when within 6 feet of someone and:
– in hallways
– in restrooms
– congregate settings
– busses

Masks are not to be worn when:
– Trouble breathing
– Unable to remove without assistance
– Impair health or mental health
– Presents a challenge, distraction, or obstruction to educational services or instruction

Page 38 – Any area used by a sick person must be closed

Wait 24 hours or as long as possible

until cleaning and disinfecting

If more than 7 days have passed since a person has tested positive or suspected, additional disinfection is not necessary, routine cleaning and disinfection would continue

Page 39 – Staff must be aware of symptoms of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children associated with COVID-19:
– Fever
– Abdominal pain
– Vomiting
– Diarrhea
– Neck pain
– Rash
– Bloodshot eyes
– Feeling extra tired
– Trouble breathing
– Pain or pressure in the chest that does not go away
– New confusion
– Inability to wake or stay awake
– Blush lips or face
– Severe abdominal pain

Schools must call 911 for emergency transport following district guidelines

Page 40 – Returning to school after an illness

No fever without fever reducing medicines and feel well for 24 hours

After another condition and a health care provider provides a not clearing them to return to school

If diagnosed with COVID-19, had COVID-19 symptoms but was not tested

Stay home for 10 days since the individual first had symptoms

At least three day since a fever without fever reducing medication

At least three days since symptoms improved, including cough and shortness of breath

Page 42 – School wide cleaning must include classrooms

Page 43 – Additional staff may need to be trained for cleaning or disinfection

Highly toughed surfaces include tables, handles……..

If it can be done safely conduct classes outdoors

Page 46 – Conduct lockdown drills while social distancing provide overview of actual procedures

Page 48 – Doors may be fixed in the open position, only permitted on doors not equipped with door closers and doors not fire rated

Page 49 – If class size is changed 50 SF is required per student & staff in a Tech room

Page 51 – Tents may be erected for 180 day or less and comply with NYS fire code

Section 3103.2 indicates a permit

Section 3103 contains requirements

Section 3104 for permanent tents

Permanent tents are considered membrane structures and are regulated by building code 3102

Page 52 – Number of toilets and sinks may be reduced to facilitate frequent cleaning & must have minimum required by building code in operation

Page 53 – One water fountain per 100 occupants
– may be replaced with bottle fillers
– bottled water may be supplied
– disposable cups are permitted
– District may provide containers that are to be filled at home

Page 53 – Increase the fresh air ventilation rate to the extent possible to aid in maintaining a healthy indoor air quality

Page 64 – It is unrealistic to expect that students will return to instruction as they left it months ago

Page 79 – For the 2020-21 school year there are currently no statutory provisions that would allow a school district to provide fewer than 180 days of instruction over the course of the full school year.

Page 81 – Critical for schools to use a variety of creative methods to reach out to students and their families who did not engage in distance learning.

Initiating an educational neglect or Person in Need of Supervision (PINS) proceeding should be a last resort;

Schools are responsible for developing a mechanism to collect and report daily teacher/student engagement or attendance regardless of the instructional setting.

Page 84 – Educational neglect should not be considered where the parent/guardian has kept their child home because they believe it is unsafe for their child to attend school in person during the pandemic, and the child is participating in remote learning opportunities.

Page 90 – Maintain a positive mindset about student learning loss during the 2020 school closure. Allow ample time for students to re-adjust to the school setting. Before students are assessed, spend time on socialization and creating a climate of safety, comfort, and routine.

Page 102 – Consider a flipped classroom approach where students first learn about a topic at home and then come prepared to learn more about it in class

Page 137 – Technology Education falls under the CTE Career and Technical Education Definition

Page 104 – Identify content that takes precedence in the event instructional capabilities are modified and/or changed throughout the year.

Identify those activities that must take place in a classroom and those that can be completed independently

Create instructor videos demonstrating skills or teaching content for use both in and outside of the classroom.

Consider live streaming video of what is taking place inside the classroom in the event some students are home, and some are present.

Consider opportunities for instructors to operate portable video cameras during lessons. For example, when an instructor is providing a laboratory demonstration

NYS Master Teacher Program offers Summer PD /nys-master-teacher-program-offers-summer-pd/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=nys-master-teacher-program-offers-summer-pd Mon, 03 Aug 2020 23:41:00 +0000 ///?p=19135 The New York State Master Teacher Program is opening up their Summer Professional Development Sessions to all K-12 Educators. There are many new topics being presented with the focus on teaching hands-on classes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the topics are great for Technology classes as well as Math and Science Teachers. Please share this link with co-teachers in your school.

Please click the link below to view the NYSMT Free Summer Session Catalog and register for an online session.

NAEP Technology and Engineering Literacy (TEL) Assessment /naep-technology-and-engineering-literacy-tel-assessment/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=naep-technology-and-engineering-literacy-tel-assessment Mon, 31 Jul 2017 17:50:06 +0000 http://wp-dev.member365.com/nysteea/?p=71 The first-ever NAEP Technology and Engineering Literacy (TEL) assessment is currently under development. In 2014, eighth-grade students who are selected to take NAEP will participate in the assessment. In preparation for this assessment, selected eighth-grade students in 2012 will participate in a TEL tryout of scenario-based tasks on the computer; print out the  (115K ) that participating schools received.

Technology and engineering have become critical components of 21st century life. For generations, students have been taught about technology and have been instructed on how to use various technological devices. However, there are currently no standardized, nationally-representative assessments to provide evidence of what students know about technology and engineering, the roles they play in our lives, and the extent to which students can use technologies and understand how engineers design and develop them.

The 2014  (3,062K , developed under the guidance of the , broadly defines technological and engineering literacy as the capacity to use, understand, and evaluate technology as well as to understand technological principles and strategies needed to develop solutions and achieve goals. NAEP frameworks provide the theoretical basis for assessments and describe the types of questions that should be included and how they should be designed and scored

Questions in the TEL assessment will explore, among other things, to what extent students analyze the pros and cons of a proposal to develop a new source of energy, whether students can use the Internet to find and summarize information to solve a problem, and whether students understand how and why new technologies are developed to suit human needs and wants.

The framework directs that students should be assessed in three major areas of technology and engineering literacy:

  • Technology and Society involves the effects that technology has on society and on the natural world and the ethical questions that arise from those effects.
  • Design and Systems covers the nature of technology, the engineering design process by which technologies are developed, and basic principles of dealing with everyday technologies, including maintenance and troubleshooting.
  • Information and Communication Technology includes computers and software learning tools, networking systems and protocols, hand-held digital devices, and other technologies for accessing, creating, and communicating information and for facilitating creative expression.

In all three areas of technology and engineering literacy, students are expected to be able to apply particular ways of thinking and reasoning when approaching a problem. These types of thinking and reasoning are referred to as “practices.”

The framework specifies three kinds of practices that students are expected to demonstrate when responding to test questions:

  • Understanding Technological Principles focuses on how well students are able to make use of their knowledge about technology.
  • Developing Solutions and Achieving Goals refers to students’ systematic use of technological knowledge, tools, and skills to solve problems and achieve goals presented in realistic contexts.
  • Communicating and Collaborating concerns how well students are able to use contemporary technologies to communicate for a variety of purposes and in a variety of ways, working individually or in teams, with peers and experts.

The framework focuses on literacy as the level of knowledge and competencies needed by all students and citizens, that is, students who are literate about technology and engineering can function in a technological society. The focus of the framework is not on whether students have the ability to engineer or produce technology in the professional sense. Therefore, TEL does not address technical knowledge of specific technologies, nor types of engineering expertise taught in specialized courses to prepare some students for postsecondary engineering studies.

The assessment will be completely computer-based. Although many items will be standard multiple-choice questions, other items will be more complex and will allow students to manipulate components of the systems and models that are presented to them.

The TEL task tryout will engage students through the use of multimedia presentations, such as video, audio, and interactive simulations, and will be administered to students entirely on a computer.

Schools selected for the tryout will be asked to designate about 25 to 30 students to participate. TEL will be administered in sessions of up to 15 students each. NAEP staff will bring all necessary materials, including laptop computers, to the school on tryout day.

<>Students will be asked to complete two or three scenario-based tasks on the computer, as well as a brief questionnaire. The tryout will take approximately 90 minutes.</>

U.S. Secretary of Labor Visits SUNY’s Monroe Community College /u-s-secretary-of-labor-visits-sunys-monroe-community-college/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=u-s-secretary-of-labor-visits-sunys-monroe-community-college Mon, 31 Jul 2017 17:45:24 +0000 http://wp-dev.member365.com/nysteea/?p=69 Highlights $14.6 million grant awarded to SUNY community colleges

For Immediate Release: Monday, September 24, 2012

Contact: David Doyle; David.Doyle@suny.edu; 518-320-1311

Rochester – U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis today visited Monroe Community College’s Applied Technologies Center to celebrate and highlight a  to a consortium of State University of New York community colleges.

Secretary Solis was hosted by SUNY Chancellor Nancy L. Zimpher and MCC President Anne M. Kress. Community leaders in business development and advanced manufacturing, as well as elected officials, also took part in the visit.

“This federal support will help grow SUNY’s already powerful capacity to prepare students for careers in high-tech and advanced manufacturing fields where there is such a high demand in New York and across the country,” said Chancellor Zimpher. “Secretary Solis’ visit to Monroe highlights SUNY’s potential to bring these innovative solutions to scale across the state. I applaud our congressional delegation for working so diligently in securing these funds and for their continued partnership and recognition of SUNY’s ability to drive economic development and job growth across New York.”

“Monroe Community College is proud to lead this initiative coordinating all 30 SUNY community colleges in preparing more New Yorkers for viable advanced manufacturing careers,” said Kress. “This investment by the U.S. Department of Labor in our system will help us develop innovative educational programming along career pathways so that individuals can find good jobs today and even better careers tomorrow.”

The grant, issued as part of the federal Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) program, will allow the consortium of all SUNY community colleges to design, implement, and deliver a strategic approach to job training and education for high-need industries such as nanotechnology and advanced manufacturing.

“By maximizing the collective power of the system of community colleges, nearly 3,000 displaced workers will return to high-wage, 21st century advanced manufacturing jobs,” said Johanna Duncan-Poitier, SUNY Senior Vice Chancellor for Community Colleges and the Education Pipeline. “This represents yet another avenue for our extensive network of industry partners to work with us in strengthening our state and local economies by creating jobs and hiring right here in New York.”

The Manufacturers Alliance of New York (MANY) and the Manufacturers Association of Central New York (MACNY), along with 150 other industry associations and employers across the state, have joined with the SUNY collaborative as key partners to validate curricula, develop and implement learn and earn strategies, raise awareness of the industry sector, and facilitate job placement. Manufacturers of all sizes and their representing associations will be involved from project design to implementation to placement and employment for eligible workers.

The grant is part of the , which promotes skills development and employment opportunities in fields such as advanced manufacturing, transportation and health care, as well as science, technology, engineering and math careers through partnerships between training providers and local employers.

About the State University of New York

The State University of New York is the largest comprehensive university system in the United States, educating approximately 468,000 students in more than 7,500 degree and certificate programs on 64 campuses with nearly 3 million alumni around the globe. To learn more about how SUNY creates opportunity, visit .
